WHAT?! If you would have told me 5 years ago that I would be blogging I would have probably told you you were crazy. LOL. . .but yet here we are! Welcome to my little corner of the internet! I hope the information you find here is helpful and encourages you to give DIY a try. DIY doesn’t have to be an elaborate build. It all starts with learning how to do simple things yourself so you don’t have to hire someone to do them for you.
Do you know how much money you could save by learning something as simple as how to install a light fixture?! I paid an electrician $250 to change out a light fixture for me in my mud room because electric stuff scared me. And it’s actually SO easy to do it yourself! I remember how PROUD I felt after installing my first light fixture. Doing things yourself is so empowering! Electric doesn’t have to be scary if you do your research and have someone you can ask!

I don’t know ALL the DIY things but I have friends who do know and I can probably help you find the answers. So please reach out with questions if you have any. I’m always happy to help!
Happy DIYing!